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Administrative Law

Protecting Your Rights from Authority Prejudice

The Southey Attorneys Administrative Law team is experienced in challenging decisions that affect clients from government, municipalities or private organisations.

Our team will work with you to define exactly how certain decisions made by organisations that have authority over you, negatively affect you. We then find legal solutions to these problems as we work to overcome these decisions.

Who Needs Administrative Law?

There are times when the government, municipality or private organisations such as boards of directors or bodies corporate, make a decision that negatively impacts you, your family or your business. What most people don’t know is that there are a wide range of legal instruments available to challenge these decisions. That is where Southey Attorneys can help.

What is the Administrative Law Process?

There are a variety of potential legal processes available to you in Administrative law.

High Court Judgement

For example, you might want a High Court Judgement which overrides a decision made by the Government or the Municipality or where a decision was not properly made or for example, this could entail insufficient thought given by a governmental body with regard to an administrative decision , and you may request a Court to order such decision-makers to go back to its initial decision ,to relook at certain factors. Or, you might want to prevent a body corporate or municipality from carrying out a particular function because it is prejudicial to you, your family or your community.

Body Corporate or Municipality

Or, you might want to prevent a body corporate or municipality from carrying out a particular function because it is prejudicial to you, your family or your community.

(Southeys Attorneys recently challenged the decision of a Body Corporate of a large coastal development, when the Body Corporate attempted to curb the ability of unit owners to lease their properties to holidaymakers over the Christmas period. After Southeys Attorneys started their legal action in the High Court, the Body Corporate agreed to reverse its decision.)

Benefits of working with Southey Attorneys?

Expert legal advice to empower you to understand the options available to you in protecting your rights whatever these options may be. Southey Attorneys brings to bear the full spectrum of legal skills from case law research, presentation skills, preparation of argument, and finally representation at an internal appeal or court. 

Continuous communication as to the progress of the case.
Southeys Attorneys recently challenged the decision of a Body Corporate of a large coastal development, when the Body Corporate attempted to curb the ability of unit owners to lease their properties to holidaymakers over the Christmas period. After Southeys Attorneys started their legal action in the High Court, the Body Corporate agreed to reverse its decision.
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